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ContractPodAi Webinar

April 30, 2024 | 11 am PT / 2 pm ET


Securing GenAI:
Unveiling Deployment Models, Training Strategies and Ethical Considerations

Join ContractPodAi for a conversation on the security, training, and privacy aspects of deploying GenAI in your legal techstack. Our experts will discuss high-level deployment models, exploring domain-specific models versus off-the-shelf models, and addressing ethical considerations and security concerns. The session will also include a live demo showcasing legal use cases.
Join us to learn:
– High-level insights into GenAI deployment models
– Ethical considerations and security in GenAI deployment
– Practical use cases for GenAI in legal

Guest Speakers

Tomas Suros
Tomas Suros

Global Solutions Engineer, ContractPodAi

Atena Reyhani
Atena Reyhani

Chief Product Officer, ContractPodAi

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