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Brightflag Webinar

August 14, 2024 | 11 am PT / 2 pm ET


Leverage AI for Better Outside Counsel Management

Outside counsel engagements make up about 50% of the in-house team’s budget and deliver about half of all legal services provided to the business. For this reason, it’s critical that the management of outside counsel be optimized using the latest technology.


In this webinar, Brightflag and legal operations leader Bill Novomisle will share how you can leverage AI to:
– Save time on invoice review and control outside counsel costs
– Get instant answers to questions you, your finance team, and your GC have about outside counsel spend
– Generate impactful data for outside counsel benchmarking

Guest Speakers

Sarah Scales

Head of Product Marketing, Brightflag

Bill Novomisle

Legal Ops Consultant

LINK Partner

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